Nuclear Regulatory Authority

About NDK

Our Mission

“To make the peaceful use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation safe for the individuals, society, the environment and future generations through competent and effective regulatory control.”

Our Vision

”To be an internationally respected and decisive authority in its field.”

The Atomic Energy Commission, established under the Prime Ministry in 1956 through Law No. 6821, was assigned to coordinate, support, and inspect the scientific, economic, technical, and administrative practices necessary for the use of nuclear energy and the application of related technologies. This initiative aimed to enhance the country's welfare and preserve its best interest. By founding this Commission, Türkiye positioned itself among the pioneering nations in the field of nuclear energy research. The Commission's responsibilities marked the initial steps toward the regulatory control of activities pertaining to nuclear energy and ionizing radiation within the nation.

In 1982, the national framework was restructured in accordance with evolving safety principles, leading to the establishment of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) under the Prime Ministry through Law No. 2690. TAEK's duties, authority, and responsibility include ensuring the peaceful use of nuclear energy in Turkey, aligned with the nation's development plans for its own benefit, and also formulating and proposing fundamental principles and policies, as well as conducting, organizing, supporting, coordinating, and inspecting scientific, technical, and administrative practices. Mirroring the role of the Atomic Energy Commission, TAEK integrates the functions related to nuclear energy development, implementation, and regulatory control.

In 2010, the "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Türkiye and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in Relation to the Construction and Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant at the Akkuyu Site in the Republic of Türkiye" was signed. Under this agreement, construction commenced on a four-reactor nuclear power plant at the Akkuyu Site in Mersin province. This significant advancement in nuclear energy, alongside with the requirements of international conventions to which Türkiye is a signatory and recommendations from international organizations, highlighted the need for an independent regulatory body to assume the regulatory control activities previously managed by TAEK. To address this need, Decree Law No. 702, dated July 2, 2018, concerning the Organization and Duties of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority and Amendments to Certain Laws, was enacted, leading to the establishment of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK). Subsequently, the Nuclear Regulation Law No. 7381, dated March 5, 2022, was promulgated, repealing Decree Law No. 702 through Article 27 of the new law. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority now operates under the provisions of Law No. 7381, Presidential Decree No. 95 on the Organization and Duties of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, and other pertinent legislation.

The activities, subjects and fields to be regulated by our Authority are determined in Article 4 of the Presidential Decree No. 95 and are listed below:

  • Radiation protection of workers, the public, the environment and future generations.
  • Safety, security and safeguards in activities related to nuclear energy and radiation.
  • All activities related to the establishment, operation, decommissioning or closure of a nuclear facility, radiation facility or radioactive waste facility.
  • Extraction, production, transportation, storage, export, import, trade, possession, transfer, processing, reprocessing and use of nuclear materials.
  • Production, transportation, storage, export, import, trade, possession, transfer, use, installation, modification, disassembly, maintenance and repair of radiation sources.
  • Possession, transfer, processing, transportation, storage, export, import and disposal of radioactive waste.
  • Export and import of substances, materials, equipment, systems, components or related technology determined by the Authority within the scope of safeguards.
  • Radiation emergency management.
  • Qualifications and training of personnel related to activities falling within the scope of their duties and authorities.
  • Other subjects, areas and activities that fall under its mandate and jurisdiction and to be determined by the Board.
