Appointments to Nuclear Regulation Board Presidency, Second Chairperson and Board Member

March 3, 2023

Appointments to Nuclear Regulation Board Presidency, Second Chairperson and Board Member

In accordance with Articles 2, 3, and 7 of the Presidential Decree No. 3, and Article 7 of the Presidential Decree No. 95, with the President’s decision published in the Official Gazette numbered 32113 and dated 23 February 2023, Mr. Zafer DEMİRCAN, who was appointed as the President of the Nuclear Regulation Board, Mr. İsmail Hakkı ARIKAN, who was appointed as the second chairperson of the Nuclear Regulation Board, and Mr. Mehmet Fatih ALPTEKİN, who was appointed as a member of the Board, have started their duties after the oath ceremony held at the Supreme Court on Thursday, March 2 at 14:00.

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