Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency (HAEA) Paid a Technical Visit to Our Country

November 14, 2022

The President of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency (HAEA) Andrea Beatrix KADAR and the accompanying delegation paid a visit to our country and met NDK President Dr Zafer DEMİRCAN and his accompanying delegation.

The President of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency (HAEA), Andrea Beatrix KADAR and the accompanying delegation visited our country on 18-19 October 2022 and met with NDK President Dr DEMİRCAN and the accompanying delegation.

Speaking first at the meeting between the delegations, Dr DEMİRCAN congratulated Mrs KADAR for her appointment as the President of HAEA. DEMİRCAN stated that the relations between the two authorities started during the TAEK period and emphasized that the technical visits will further strengthen bilateral ties and facilitate cooperation.

After Dr DEMİRCAN's speech, both delegations presented their implementations in the nuclear regulation field. A memorandum of understanding was signed between NDK and HAEA to ensure and develop cooperation.

After the signing ceremony and gift exchanges, both delegations conducted examinations and evaluations at the Akkuyu NPP construction site.

Technical meetings of NDK and HAEA experts continued on the second day of the visit.

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