The Dissemination Meeting of the "Support to the Regulatory Authority of Turkey" Project

February 10, 2022
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The Dissemination Meeting of the "Support to the Regulatory Authority of Turkey" Project, organized in partnership with the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK) and the European Commission, was held on Tuesday, February 8, 2022.

Several domestic and foreign guests attended the program which the President of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK), Dr. Zafer DEMİRCAN, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Dr. Alparslan BAYRAKTAR and the Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Türkiye, Eleftaria PERTZINIDOU, delivered their closing speeches. 


Dr. DEMİRCAN started his speech by thanking all the stakeholders who took part in the  preparation and completion of the Project, and stated that the NDK, which was established as an independent authority to ensure nuclear safety and security in Türkiye, has been working sensitively to ensure nuclear safety in our country since its establishment, and that it is always transparent and open to cooperation in order to fulfill its duty. He stated that safety and security measures had been taken in accordance with the international standards in order to ensure the continuity of the competencies that the Project has brought to the NDKIn this context, other countries' practices are closely followed in order to ensure the peaceful use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation, and efforts are made to carry our standards beyond international standards.


The Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Türkiye, Eleftaria PERTZINIDOU,  took the floor after Dr. Zafer DEMİRCAN's speech. She stated that they see the NDK as a transparent partner, added that some countries in the European Union (EU) also benefit from nuclear energy and they are pleased that the safety standards applied in the EU will be implemented in Türkiye as well.


The Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resource Dr. Alparslan BAYRAKTAR  took the stage last. He emphasized that the global climate crisis pressured countries to transform their energy systems to low-carbon resources including nuclear energy, and Türkiyeconsidered nuclear energy as a tool for reducing climate change effects. Dr. BAYRAKTAR stated that nuclear energy will also contribute to the prevention of energy crises caused by high demand in recent times, and said that many projects are carried out with the EU in the field of energy, and that the NDK, as an independent and transparent body, organizes joint projects with the EU to ensure nuclear safety.


The meeting ended with Dr. DEMİRCAN presenting his gifts to the project coordinators and speakers.

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