Visit of IAEA Program Manager Jing ZHANG

April 12, 2022

International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Cooperation Program Manager Jing ZHANG Visited NDK.

International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Cooperation Program Manager Jing ZHANG visited Türkiye on 4-8 April to consult on the projects carried out within the scope of Technical Cooperation Program. Mr. ZHANG visited NDK on 6th of April as part of his agenda and held a meeting with President Mr. Zafer DEMİRCAN.

During the meeting, ideas were exchanged on completed and future projects in addition to a discussion on cooperation between NDK and IAEA. After the meeting, Mr. DEMİRCAN thanked to Mr. ZHANG for his kind visit and presented a gift.

In addition, Mr. ZHANG held a technical meeting with the project coordinators in order to define and eliminate the ongoing and/or potential problems in the projects implemented within the scope of Technical Cooperation Program, to make the projects more beneficial, and to determine the scope of the cooperation for the implementation period of the new projects.

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